Al'Naito by

Описание к видео Al'Naito by

Fan version of Al'Naito from the Wheel of Time show on Amazon Prime, based on the books by Robert Jordan. Composed by Lorne Balfe. Captions available in Old Tongue / English.


We see a woman dancing as music starts. The camera pans back and she is dancing on the balcony of the white tower, surrounded by arched windows. The windows are dark except for one on either side of the balcony. These show translator who start to sign in American Sign Language (ASL) and Auslan when the lyrics start.

As the first verse starts, we see various singers and instrumentalists (guitar, violin, mandolin, flute, and cello) appear in the windows. On the second verse, we switch to the harmony singers and also see a bass guitar. These are then integrated with the original singers. As we get close to the chorus, two weaves of saidar emerge from the bottom of the screen and extend upwards, framing the dancer. Saidar flares as we move into the chorus and the dancing becomes more energetic.

The chorus ends and we cut to footage of Tar Valon at twilight and then back to the windows, but now it is evening and the primary window features a blonde woman, Sara from @spearmaidens framed on either side by the interpreters. Below her are five medium sized windows with instrumentalists, and smaller windows below that have singers. The instrumentalists include cello, bass, drums, urdu, and cymbal. Sara raps first in the Old Tongue and then in English.

We jump to new windows as we enter a percussion break. The central arch shows clips of Siuan Sanche from the Amazon Wheel of Time show, while on either side of her, two young men in fantasy costume conduct the music with swords. Beneath them are six windows showing various percussionists. The clips are young Siuan with her father, Siuan on the Amyrlin Seat, Siuan kissing Moiraine, Moiraine kissing Siuan’s ring, and Siuan smiling. During the percussion break the lighten gradually brightens to daylight.

We cut back to the windows with the dancer as we return to the chorus, but now all the singers instrumentalists, and percussionists feature in turn, including a tuba and piccolo. Five streams of saidar stream upward from the bottom of the screen. As the chorus repeats, the streams start to take on the five colours of the One Power: green, yellow, red, blue, and white.

The chorus ends and we see an aerial shot of Tar Valon during the day. We return to the dancer and the windows, but now most windows are dark, and there are only the interpreters and two soloists. The dancing is slower. In the top windows we can see a red weave of Fire. It changes to a yellow weave of Air, a green weave of Earth, a blue weave of Water, and then a white weave of Spirit. As the song ends, the dancer fades and the lights in the windows dim.

We switch to a sunset view of the White Tower as the credits roll.


English translation by @albrightwrites (Joan Albright).

Audio mixing: @Hyroath (Alex Sayers    / @alexandercsayers  )
Video editing: @MeriseSedai
Rap written & performed by: @spearmaidens (Sara from Maidens of the Spear    / maidensofthespearwot  )
Dance: @kristineberget
ASL translation: @jojosedai
Auslan translation: @prose_dragon
Sword conducting: @way_heron (Way of the Heron    / wayoftheheron  )
Soloists: @alyssumz (One Power Ballads    / @onepowerballads  ) and @prose_dragon (   / @ace_r_l  )

Instrumentalists: @cohortVIIIgames (Dawson Cowals    / @dawsoncowals  ) ; @hyroath, @merisesedai, @mistressdovie, @rationalnerd, @seierasedai

Percussion: @markfig3, @seafolkdiver, @trishtrash952

Vocal tune: @albrightwrites, @aliciafsorenson, @alyssumz, @blacktowernews1, @cohortVIIIgames, @h_ahsue, @juliyakarisu, @leiyansedai, @meganwillmon, @prose_dragon, @selucia5, @singwithtaffy (Taffy Bennington    / anarchy101  , @sumbodisopinion (   / justsomebodisopinion  , thanbeysedai, @under_theveil

Vocal harmonies: @h_ahsue, London (@taevasedai), @marcellex (The Great Honey Podcast, @megwene, @laura_burzynski, @merisesedai, @wotserpent.

With particular additional assistance, coordination, and promotion by @malkiersking, @layssumz, and @matspips.


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